Client Resource Center

Ideas and concepts from the top thinkers in HR and staffing to help take your firm to the next level.
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Innovative Management: Mastering the Art of Shutting Up

Leaders and managers are expected to be proactive, articulate, and full of ideas. But, ironically, one of the most underrated skills in their toolkit is the strategic use of silence.

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Want To Be a Better Frontline Leader? Do MORE of These 7 Things

Frontline leaders face plenty of challenges. Often it is their first (or only) experience as a leader. And as the face of the organization to the frontline of the organization, their role is critical. Let’s outline seven things frontline leaders can do to make their work less challenging and more successful.

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7 Productivity Myths

There is a short list of things for which nearly everyone strives. When you put that list in terms of our work, success, and career, productivity is one of those desirable outcomes. When something is both important and desirable, you would think
we would have a pretty clear picture of it. Instead, there are tons (far more than seven) myths about what it is and how to achieve it.

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The BEST Gift to Give Yourself

Mindset shifts are invaluable. Transformational. And completely free! Give yourself an amazing gift this year - by changing your patterns of thinking.

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Maximize Your Productivity with These Game-Changing AI-Based Tools

AI-based productivity tools are revolutionizing the way people approach work - and the options available are staggering! Here are a few of the best to boost your productivity, streamline your tasks, and make you more successful.

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